EZTEKK Newsletter

Fall 2017 by Diego Vasquez

How to be on Google's first page

Lets start saying that there is no guarantee that any of the following would be successful. Google is trying to make the experience as beneficial to the user as possible. Also, if you are looking to dominate using a specific term it is just never going to happen, there are just too many variables at play. Here are some to have into consideration:
  • Content
    • Content is one of the most important Google ranking factors, according to a Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google. This should not be news (content has been an important ranking factor for a while) but in recent years, we have seen a shift away from keyword-focused content towards more relevant content written in natural language.
  • Backlinks
    • Backlinks remain an important Google ranking factor, but over the years, Google has learned to weed out the bad links from the good. More links will still result in a higher score, but only if they are from a number of diverse and authoritative domains. The key to a strong link building campaign is to create content people crave, and then to promote that content relentlessly. When other industry authorities read and link to your content, Google will read your backlink's matching anchor text and consider your content more relevant.
  • Mobile-First User Experience
    • One of the biggest changes we saw in 2016 was Google's shift towards mobile-first indexing. This means that Google's index will now primarily crawl the mobile version of websites as opposed to the desktop version. Mobile optimization is an extremely important ranking factor. All of the top 100 most visible domains have mobile-friendly solutions, according to SearchMetrics. Today, it will be more important than ever that your content is responsive on all mobile platforms and identical to the content on your desktop site. Mobile-friendliness is now the norm, and with 85% of all websites now meeting Google's criteria for being mobile-friendly, it is time to improve your website even more (think mobile-first, not just mobile-friendly).
  • Other Technical Factors
    • There are many other technical factors which might play a big role in your website's rank. These factors include:
      Encryption: Backlinko still finds a strong correlation between HTTPS websites and first page Google rankings, and SearchMetrics confirms that 45% of the top websites all use HTTPS encryption (up from 12% in 2015). Google confirmed back in 2014 that websites with a strong HTTPS encryption will rank better than their HTTP counterparts, and websites that have not switched to HTTPS are now marked as unsafe in Google Chrome.
      H1 and H2 Headings: There are more landing pages with an H1 and H2 in the source code this year. SearchMetrics found a strong correlation between the use of at least one H2 and a higher rank.
      Anchor text: Exact-match anchor text still has a strong influence on rankings, but you risk a Penguin penalty if your links appear unnatural or spammy. Make sure your backlink anchor text is diverse and organic.

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